International Network of VENous Thromboembolism Clinical Research Networks

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The UK-Thrombosis Research Network (UK-TReN) is an evolving network of academics, clinicians, allied health care professionals and scientists actively involved in thrombosis research. The aim of the network is to increase collaborative, multidisciplinary clinical and scientific thrombosis research nationally and globally. The network currently has approximately 70 members, and is led by a steering committee.

Council Members

Lara Roberts

Lara Roberts, MBBS, MD(Res), MRCP, FRCPath

Dr Lara Roberts is a Consultant Haematologist at King’s College Hospital (KCH) and Honorary Reader in Thrombosis and Haemostasis at King’s College London. She is the clinical lead for venous thromboembolism at KCH. Dr Roberts is a MRC Clinical Academic Research Partnership Fellow investigating haemostasis in acutely ill patients with liver disease (EMErALD). She is the haematology speciality lead for the South London Clinical Research Network and a founding member of the UK-Thrombosis Research Network. She sits on the BSH Obstetric Haematology Special Interest Group, is a member of the BSH Haemostasis and Thrombosis taskforce and co-chair for the ISTH SSC on Haemostatic management of patients with Liver Disease. Dr Roberts was co-clinical lead of the GIRFT Thrombosis survey of national VTE prevention practice in England (2019/20). Her research interests include venous thromboembolism prevention and management, anticoagulation and haemostasis in liver and renal disease.

Raza Alikhan

Raza Alikhan , MD, FRCP, FRCPath

Raza Alikhan graduated from the University of London with degrees in Medicine and Pharmacology and in 2003 defended his doctoral thesis on venous thromboembolism and prophylaxis in medical patients. He is Clinical Director of Haematology at the University Hospital of Wales, with a specialist interest in Thrombosis & Haemostasis. He is Honorary Professor in the Division of Population Medicine at Cardiff University School of Medicine and has 25 years’ experience in phase II–IV antithrombotic clinical trials. His current research interests include anticoagulation in patients with cancer, the identification of risk factors and outcomes associated with anticoagulation related bleeding and the role of reversal agents and antidotes.


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