International Network of VENous Thromboembolism Clinical Research Networks


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July 31, 2020 - The INVENT-VTE Network held its 3rd Annual Dragons' Den Competition on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 via live webinar.  Presenting in front of three INVENT Dragons and over 65 attendees on the live webinar, Dr. Christine Baumgarter and Dr. Hanke Wiegers presented their clinical thrombosis studies for chance to win a $35,000 (CAD) International Collaboration Prize.  Following the competition, INVENT Council awarded the 2020 International Collaboration Prize to Dr. Christine Baumgartner of the SAFE-SSPE Study: Clinical Surveillance vs. Anticoagulation For low-risk patiEnts with isolated SubSegmental Pulmonary Embolism: a multicenter randomized placebo-controlled non-inferiority trial. 

The International Collaboration Grant is intended to help the project expand into multiple countries and facilitate international collaboration . The funding will permit the SAFE-SSPE Study to collaborate & open sites in France through the INNOVTE Network. The study team will also be opening sites in the Netherlands through the Dutch Thrombosis Network and in Canada through the CanVECTOR Network.

The INVENT Networks thanks each  presenter, our judges, moderator, attendees, and all involved in making this year's competition a success. 

A complete video of the competition can be seen here


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