International Network of VENous Thromboembolism Clinical Research Networks


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SAVE THE DATE & REGISTER TODAY - The INVENT Network is pleased to announce that this year's INVENT Dragons' Den Competition will be held via live webinar, and you are invited! The competition will take place on Thursday, July 8, 2021  from 16:00-17:00 UTC.   REGISTER HERE. 

This year's competition will feature four clinical investigators pitch their international thrombosis research studies to our Dragons (judges)! The winner of the competition will be awarded a $40,000 (CAD) International Collaboration Grant. The runner-up prize will be awarded $20,000 (CAD)!

The four studies being pitched to our Dragons include:

  1. API-CALF (France | Canada) 
    Apixaban to treat calf vein thrombosis 
    Dr. Jean-Philippe Galanaud (Presenter); Dr. Jean-Luc Bosson (Collaborator)
  2. DAYS Pilot (Canada | Netherlands) 
    Pilot study to assess feasibility of evaluating the safety and efficiency of a simplified diagnostic approach for deep vein thrombosis
    Dr. Kerstin de Wit (Presenter); Dr. Geert-Jan Geersing (Collaborator)
  3. PERIPARTUM (Canada | U.S.A) 
    Peripartum anticoagulation management among pregnant women with VTE and its impact on patient outcomes
    Dr. Leslie Skeith (Presenter); Dr. Andra James & Dr. Jerome Federspiel (Collaborators)
  4. SAVER (Canada | Germany) 
    Statins for venous event reduction in patients with venous thromboembolism 
    Aurélien Delluc (Presenter); Dr. Stavros Konstantinides (Collaborators)

View the complete program here.

You are invited to participate in the event where you can watch,  vote, and submit questions to the applicants. REGISTER TODAY to take part in this unique event and watch these fearless investigators pitch their thrombosis research studies to our Dragons! 

Come be inspired, informed, and entertained. REGISTER HERE!


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