International Network of VENous Thromboembolism Clinical Research Networks

Determinants and Impact of the Post- Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Syndromes

Determinants and Impact of the Post- Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Syndromes


Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands.


Multicenter, international, prospective cohort study in which the presence of pain, dyspnea, anxiety, PTSD and PTPS as well as QOL and functional outcomes will be self-measured by patients at regular intervals following a diagnosis of PE and DVT

Participating Sites

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Lead Network:

Flag of The Netherlands


Canada, Ireland, The Netherlands,

Lead Investigators

F.A. (Erik) Klok

F.A. (Erik) Klok, MD, PhD

Leiden University Medical Center

Leiden, the Netherlands


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