International Network of VENous Thromboembolism Clinical Research Networks


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August 31, 2023 - The INVENT-VTE Network held its 2023 Dragons' Den Competition on June 25, 2023 at ISTH 2023 in Montreal, QC, Canada. Presenting in front of our INVENT Dragons and near full capacity session of colleagues in attendance, three investigators pitched their clinical VTE / thrombosis studies for a chance at a $40,000 (CAD) International Collaboration Prize & a $20,000 runner-up prize.

  1. What is the Best Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients with Acute Venous Thromboembolism While taking Antiplatelets? (BAT-VTE)
    Presenter: Laurent Bertoletti, MD, PhD; INNoVTE Network
  2. Prospective Evaluation of Pulmonary Embolism in Children Study (PROSPECT)
    Presenter: Madhvi Rajpurkar, MD; VENUS Network 
  3. Risk Assessment Model for Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Thrombosis in Cancer Patients (RAMP)
    Presenter: Hiu Lam Agnes Yuen, MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA; THANZ Network

We are pleased to announce that following an independent review process, the top International Collaboration Prize has been awarded to Dr. Laurent Bertoletti (INNoVTE Network, France) for the BAT-VTE Study (What is the Best Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients with Acute Venous Thromboembolism While taking Antiplatelets?)! The study will assess whether stopping the antiplatelet therapy is safer than combining the treatment with full-dose anticoagulant therapy for an acute VTE in patients receiving aspirin or other antiplatelet therapy for secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The funding will help facilitate the expansion of the study into Canada through the CanVECTOR Network in collaboration with Dr. Grégoire Le Gal.  Funding has already been secured to open 28 centers in France. The study team aims to secure national funding in Canada to support the expansion. 

Additionally, the Runner-Up Prize has been awarded to Dr. Madhvi Rajpurkar (VENUS Network, USA) for the PROSPECT Study (Prospective Evaluation of Pulmonary Embolism in Children Study) - the first pediatric study endorsed by the network! The funding will permit the study teamincluding Co-Investigators Dr. C Heleen van Ommen (Dutch Thrombosis Network, Netherlands), Dr. Ernest Amankwah and Dr. Neil Goldenberg (USA) - to develop pediatric PE-specific core data elements in the Throm-PED registry for a prospective data collection platform in a prospective observational study consisting of a multicenter, multinational cohort of pediatric PE patients to evaluate the incidence and risk determinants associated with early and late outcomes after pediatric PE.

We would like to thank the presenters, judges (Drs. Beverly Hunt, Jean Connors, and Sudeep Shivakumar), moderator, attendees, the ISTH, our partners, and all involved in making this year's competition a success!

We hope to see you all next year in Bangkok at ISTH 2024!


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